All About BDT Tornado Technology

Benefits of a Black and White Laser Printer

Inspired by nature, the BDT Tornado system is an airflow-based media handling system that utilizes a whirlwind effect to create a low-pressure zone to lift, move, and hold different types of media.

Suction and Transportation

Use BDT Tornado Technology to work with media made of variable substrates. Coated, porous, or sensitive paper sheets along with plastic sheets and foams are handled with the touch of a feather, while tin sheets, metal plates, glass, and wood, are moved with the proper force. BDT’s systemized modularity is the key to overall success; multiple function capabilities allow for a gentle suction force to be spread out over a large area. Implement suction when and where you need it most.

One Technology, Multiple Benefits

With the versatility of BDT Tornado Technology, you are able to:

1. handle a wider variety of print media
2. keep your print media safe during manipulation
3. increase your productivity
4. go green by harnessing nature-based inspiration

Separation and transportation are done with only one module with off-or-inline transport applications. Simple media handling for B2+ formats, front edge, and rear edge sheet separators, and carefully-designed automation processes means lower overhead for you while elevating your output to new heights.

Revolutionizing Media Handling Today

Fully automated, multi-format handling makes your printshop more flexible and ready to handle the ever-changing requests of new clients as they arise. If you’re ready to find the perfect solution for your media generation needs, our experts are here to help. 

Change your future now by giving GCOP a call or email to learn more and to equip your printshop with the latest in media technology customized for your business!

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