Interactive whiteboards have brought tremendous improvements in the business and education sector by streamlining learning processes. Although interactive whiteboard technology has been around for quite some time, the D8400 interactive whiteboard is rapidly gaining traction in the US. It can bring value to a range of locations including the classroom, boardroom, and workplace.
The IWB D8400 allows you to quickly connect to your PC, tablet, and smartphone with a single app, and you don't require any LAN connection to get started. This gives you seamless, uninterrupted sessions of data sharing and smooth interconnectivity with your audience from anywhere in the room. The images, videos, and spreadsheets you share come in 4k resolution to ensure all your visuals look impressive and are aesthetically appealing to your audience.
You can easily play around with the great array of colors available and produce sharper lines, shading, and text anytime you want to enhance the appearance of your visuals. The D8400 Interactive Whiteboard is also HDMI-ready, which means you don't need to change any settings, configure software, or search for IT support.
The IWB D8400 gives your presentation an edge, allowing it to stand out from the crowd with ease. It comes with an interactive touch sensor, which allows you to add audience feedback and append shapes and texts around key details at the touch of a button. It also features a Pen Sensor Kit, which allows you to add or define important information with even more precision on your most detailed schematics and drawings.
The effects can be achieved using the same flicking, scrolling, and pinching techniques you would use on your tablet or Smartphone to create images and texts. Once everything is ready, you can download the images and files from any PC, tablet, or mobile device in the room and add them to the presentation via Near Field Communications (NFC) technology. To get the most from your interactive whiteboard, you can invite up to four people to add more dynamic details via touchscreen control instantly.
Another big advantage of the IWB D8400 is that you can easily share information around with others, besides the people you're in the room with. The software has options for remote audiences, essential features that improve meeting efficiency and allow people to cut travel expenses.
In fact, you can showcase your presentation in up to 20 network locations when fully integrated with other RICOH Interactive Whiteboards and other RICOH Business Projections Systems. This allows people to view your presentation in real-time on their PC, Smartphone, tablet, or laptop. With a RICOH Unified Communication System, users can further interact through picture-in-picture function and exchange ideas together simultaneously.
Adopting the D8400 Interactive Whiteboard can be a great investment for any company or learning institution that wants to streamline other people's engagement and boost overall performance long-term. For more information on how interactive whiteboard technology can help create more dynamic meetings and presentations, click here.